Friday, June 7, 2013

August 2012 - Hermit Valley Part 2

It was so nice to spend quality time with family. Camping has a way of making people bond together. Bailey had a bit of a hard time getting used to the dirt and lots of people around, but she was a trooper.

My mom took Bailey on a few walks around to explore the new surroundings.

I loved how little she looked compared to the huge trees and rocks. 

Andrew did great camping. He loved playing with his cousins and I'm pretty sure he liked the more easy going mom. Here he is waiting patiently for the bacon that Aunt Jane was cooking. He was too shy to go and ask her for some, so Danny was helping him.

No rest for the working man. After the bacon it was time to gather more wood. No wood means no fire and no fire means no food and Andrew likes food.

The kids have never been somewhere so...big! No fences, no houses, just Mother Nature. Everything was big and we live in Texas so we know big.  :)  It helps put things in perspective for me. I feel so small when I am surrounded by the beauty of the world. The forests, the rivers, the mountains and the earth are so much more impressive than I am, and yet we are loved infinitely more than we will know by the one who created us.

I told them to look all the way to the top of the tree. Bailey was trying so hard she almost fell backwards!

Andrew saw cousin Ben carrying wood so he rushed over to help him.

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