Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Welcome Bailey Rose Kalea Kearns!

Bailey is now over 4 weeks old. I think it's about time for a post...


The night before Bailey was born. This was the most pregnant I would be so I wanted to document it.

At the hospital:



(PS: my friend made this gown for me. Isn't it super cute!?)


Andrew is a very good big brother. He always wants to carry her or hold her or kiss her. Super cute. He also likes to help change her diaper, get dressed, put bows in her hair and if she's ever sad or crying he tells me "uh oh, baby sister sad. Needs milk!"

My mom flew out to give us a hand. She did so much around the house and helped with so many sewing and crafts projects. It was so wonderful to have her with us. Thanks Mom!

Bailey was about 2 weeks in these last few photos. I will update more, and have the story of Bailey (the complete story) soon.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I'm in Love

Just a little note so say I am in love. It was love at first sight when I first say my baby girl. I can't stop staring at her. I just want to look into her beautiful eyes and do whatever it takes to make her happy. I am in baby cloud 9 right now. I'm sleep deprived and sore from nursing, but it's worth it. I hated being pregnant - but it was sooooo worth it! When she throws up all over herself and me and the couch and the floor, I know I have a lot to clean, but it's so worth it. When she poops and pees on me, it's so worth it.

Bailey my sweet daughter, I love you so much!

An update coming soon.