Monday, August 31, 2015

June 2015 - Megan.

Megan, Megan, Megan! She has turned our lives around in such a wonderful way! Here are a million photos of her. I just can't get enough of our newest addition.

 Bailey is the best big sister Megan could possibly have. Bailey was so excited for Megan to come home!

Megan wearing the hat Bailey wore home from the hospital.


 There is so much love here!


 Megan had a bit of jaundice and needed some sunlight to help her. We put her in the light from the window. She looks so tiny on this blanket.

Seriously, she's the best big sister. Bailey will hold Megan if she's crying or stinky. Bailey does diaper checks for me and never complains. If Megan is sad Bailey will try to comfort her by singing to her or saying, "It's ok Megan, Mommy will feed you in a minute." or "It's ok Megan. I'm here. It's ok" in her softest, sweetest, baby talk voice.

 I love how she keeps her legs tucked up.


 I love this photo. It somehow makes me think of my mom holding me when I was a baby.

Grandpa has a magic touch. Megan would fall asleep withing a few minutes of him holding her. Bailey got a few photos of Megan while she was still awake with Grandpa.


 The girls with their Grandpa.

 Bailey checking on Megan.

I'm so lucky to have special time with Megan after I feed her.

 Grandpa and his magic touch. Megan is taking a nap. 

Everyone wants to have nap time with Grandpa.

She looks so tiny in her swing.

Hi Daddy.

Megan fell asleep holding my hand and I didn't want her to let go, so I fell asleep on the floor next to her.

The kids gave Megan friends to sleep with.


The first thing Bailey did when she came home from the pool was say hello to Megan. Sister love.

Andrew checks on Megan too.

"Megan, you have cute toes!"

Hi Grandma!

For about a week after Megan was born, Bailey kept asking, "What's her name again?" because we had been calling her little sister for so long. I meant to get her asking what her name was on video to use, but then she remembered her name when I was trying to video. 

The end.