Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Outside Pictures

These photos were taken about a month ago. The weather was nice so we decided to enjoy some sunshine. There are a lot of photos here and you probably don't care to see them all because let's be honest, there are a lot that look the same. But when it's your kid, they all look different and all just a cute. So there.

I love this photo!

By the way, Ryan thought the had made Andrew look like a girl. I don't think so. What do you think?


jeff and alli said...

Nope, he still looks like a boy, especially with a blue hat.

He is so cute. Don't you love getting outside in the son with your little one?

Lesley said...

Adorable! You got some cute angles. It is hard to believe that was a month ago -- he has already changed so much!

My boys wear hats like that too... not exactly a man hat, but Andrew certainly doesn't look like a girl!

H. Fam said...

I don't think he could look like a girl if you tried. He is definitely a little man!