Monday, February 22, 2010

Whose Kid Is This?

So, as Andrew is growing he is developing a personality much like mine. He's emotional, cranky and moody... definitely my child. Then he goes and does this stuff and I think, hey, he has some of Ryan's personality too. Check it out.

Sweeping the kitchen...

Andrew found my drawer in the bathroom that has my lotions and stuff in it

And he decided to reorganize it for me...

He lined them all up in a nice little row. Then he came and found me and was so excited that he lead me to his neat row. He apparently wasn't happy with where the row was because he move it to a new row (you can see it in the back of that picture)

The new row.

After he was done playing, we sang the "clean up" song and he put them all back. What a good little boy. Just like his Daddy. :)


Lesley said...

How cute! I love the little lotion row. Could he please come organize under my bathroom sink? I bet would enjoy making sense of it all. :)

Somer said...

I love it! Go, Andrew! You definitely have some of that crazy OCD kearns blood in you.. (I think auntie lost some of it when she became a sanui.) Can't wait to see you guys later this week!!


What an organized little boy! He is very cute - and I would venture to say just like his mommy AND daddy! I'm yet to see this "cranky" side of you.