Tuesday, September 20, 2016

March 2016 - Bailey's Birthday

We celebrated Bailey's fifth birthday on March 4, 2016. She was so excited! She's such a happy girl and we love her so very much! I am grateful each day for the laughter and love she brings into my heart.

Enjoying donuts while I do her hair.

Megan is trying to figure out what all the birthday fuss is about.

Bailey was singing and talking on the way to school with her big birthday poster!

Here is her birthday poster! She could decorate it any way she wanted and she choose to have it covered with photos of people she loves.This just shows how big her heart is and how much she loves her family and friends.

We pulled Andrew out of school for a little bit so he could celebrate with Bailey in her classroom. Ryan's parents were also able to come and celebrate with her making it an extra special day. It was also extra special to have Ryan's parents with us.

Andrew read one of Bailey's favorite books to her class. He did a great job reading clear and slow and he turned the book around to show the photos to the kids (or he would let Bailey show the photos). They all loved it!

Bailey presented her birthday poster to her class.

Birthday hugs!

Birthday fun after school with Poppie.

After dinner Bailey opened her presents!!! Her expressions are priceless. She's just so happy!

My little birthday princess!

Bailey got to eat another cupcake on her birthday plate!

The annual tradition of measuring on birthdays continues!

Bailey had her 5 year check up. She's a healthy happy tall little girl. She's in the 80% for height!

Bailey had her birthday party at Bear Branch Park. It was a lovely day and everyone had a lot of fun.

Fun on the swings!

Happy Birthday Bailey Rose!

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