Wednesday, October 1, 2008

More Pictures!

Here are some more pictures of our baby. Sorry it took so long. Enjoy!

Don't worry, he wasn't suffocating, just hiding.

I love his tiny hands.

Deer in headlights...(this photo really makes me laugh out loud!)

Laying around. His diaper says "Present Inside" (at one of our baby showers the guests wrote messages to us on his diapers.)

Hanging in the swing.

Andrew's first sponge bath at home.

Look at that hair!

We have more photos coming soon! Check back later. Thanks for looking!


Michelle said...

I can't help wanting to hold him, he's so cute and I love all that dark hair! Babies in my family are bald until their 1.

H. Fam said...

He is so adorable. I am so excited for you and Ryan. We just wish that we could see him in person and hold him. And we would love to see you two as well!