Monday, July 11, 2016

December 2015 - Christmas

Christmas 2015 was a relaxing and lovely day. We spent the day taking our time and opening gifts and appreciating each one before moving on to the next one.

Christmas Eve.

I did the prep work for traditional Hobble Pobble the night before so it all I had to do was put it in the oven to bake. It keeps getting better year after year.

First thing we do is open the stockings.

The kids got Minion hats in their stockings.

Megan got to explore her first stocking!

Our tradition is that the kids get to stuff the parents stockings and we get to stuff theirs. It's usually filled with random and funny things and that's why I love this tradition.

I got a Christmas Bell in my stocking!

The kids were patient and let Megan help them open their gifts.


The kids wrapped me some special gifts and they melted my heart.


The kids had fun playing with their new toys! Andrew loves his new blocks.

The weather was just too beautiful to stay inside. We went for a lovely walk to the park and enjoyed the perfect Houston winter weather. (I painted Megan's nails red for Christmas!)


Here's a few clips from Christmas. It was a very good day. We are lucky and grateful for all of our blessings. (You will notice Andrew had a bit of the end of the video)

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

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