Wednesday, January 9, 2013

July 2012 - Kids Updates and Video

Kids update
Bailey - 16 months

Bailey can correctly point to her; head, hair, nose, mouth, ears, belly button, hands, feet, toes.

Bailey started saying “I love you” (I you)

                Bath –Baa
                Toothbrush – buss
                Thank you –day doo
                More –mow
                Milk – Moo
                Noodle –newnoo
                Dog – daw
                Bird- bir-deee!
                Mickey –Mney
                Yeah –ya
                Diaper –daa

7/6 – Bailey gives kisses goodnight. Tonight after she gave me a kiss, she took Ryan’s hand and headed for her room. I said, “I love you, Bailey” and she turned around, looked at me, said, “Mama” and walked back to her room. I take it as an, “I love you too”

Andrew - 3 years 10 months

A: What do we do with flower?
R: (thinking flour) We make food with it.
A: No! You don’t make food out of roses!
R: Oh, then what do you do with flowers?
A: You smell them!

7/5 – Andrew was going through some letters of the alphabet and saying words that started with that letter. He said, “S-snake, T-turtle, U-university…” University? Wow. 

7/15 – We drive by four mustangs on our way to and from our house and Andrew always notice which ones are there and which ones are not. Today he said, “The black, red and green ones didn’t go anywhere today. Just the silver one. I don’t know if it went to a house or a building or a castle”

7/19 – “Andrew, please come clean this up. I’ve already asked you once” “You’ve asked me twoce” (pronounced two –ce, meaning twice)

7/25/12 – Driving home Andrew pointed out that some houses had their lights on where the cars park and some don’t. I was in the passenger seat, in front of Andrew, and looked out the window to see what he was talking about. After I said he was correct and explained why houses have lights on the outside he said, “Ok, you can look straight now”
7/25/12- We saw a truck that had an “Andrew” decal on the back window. When I pointed it out to Andrew he asked if it was his truck.

Super Heros!
(Super Hero - link to youtube.)

Bailey talking to Ryan on the computer.
(Bailey and Ryan - link to youtube)

The kids were running around in hooded towels, but Bailey really reminds me of E.T. when she waddles around with her head covered and looking down. She keeps running into things. :)
(ET - Towels. - link to youtube)

The End :)

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