Sunday, May 24, 2015

March 2015 - Nevada - Tooth Fairy.

On March 13, 2015 Andrew lost his first tooth! He was hoping that he'd make it to Grandma and Grandpa's house before it fell out. When the plane landed in Reno the first thing he said was, "My toot is still in!" He showed Grandma and Grandpa right away. He was so excited when it fell out! I'm glad the Tooth Fairy could follow us to Nevada.

The Tooth Fairy left notes for the both kids. 

Bailey still sucks her thumbs and we wanted to encourage her to quite now that she's 4 and a big girl. She actually made a big improvement and now only sucks it at night when she's really sad or sick. I can't complain with that. She's come a long way. 

The Tooth Fairy did come and left Andrew a half dollar! It's a huge coin that was super exciting and Andrew carried it around all day.

Andrew's Tooth Fell Out! (I love Bailey's reaction)

The End.

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